►Nankerl | |
►Nnanobench | |
►Ndetail | |
CIterationLogic | |
CPerfCountSet | |
CPerformanceCounters | |
Ntemplates | |
CBench | Main entry point to nanobench's benchmarking facility |
CBigO | |
CConfig | |
CResult | |
CRng | An extremely fast random generator |
►Navalanche | |
CCompactProofs | |
CConfig | |
CConflictingProofComparator | Compare conflicting proofs |
►CDelegation | |
CLevel | |
CDelegationBuilder | |
CDelegationId | |
CDelegationState | |
CHello | |
CLimitedProofId | |
CManualWinners | |
Cnext_request_time | |
CNode | |
CPeer | |
CPeerManager | |
CPendingNode | |
CPoll | |
CPrefilledProof | |
►CProcessor | |
CGetLocalAcceptance | |
CIsWorthPolling | |
CNotificationsHandler | |
CPeerData | |
CQuery | |
CStakingReward | |
CProof | |
Cproof_index | |
►CProofBuilder | |
CSignedStakeComparator | |
CProofComparatorByScore | Compare proofs by score, then by id in case of equality |
CProofId | |
CProofPool | Map a proof to each utxo |
CProofPoolEntry | |
CProofPoolEntryProofIdKeyExtractor | |
CProofRadixTreeAdapter | Radix tree adapter for storing a proof as a tree element |
CProofRefComparatorByAddress | Compare proof references by pointer address |
CProofRefCompare | |
CProofRegistrationState | |
CProofsRequest | |
CProofValidationState | |
Cquery_timeout | |
CRemoteProof | |
CResponse | |
CRewardRankComparator | |
CSaltedProofHasher | |
CSaltedProofIdHasher | |
Cscore_index | |
CShortIdProcessorPrefilledProofAdapter | |
CSignedStake | |
CSlot | |
CStake | |
CStakeCommitment | |
CStakeContenderCache | Cache to track stake contenders for recent blocks |
CStakeContenderCacheEntry | |
CStakeContenderId | StakeContenderIds are unique for each block to ensure that the peer polling for their acceptance has strong guarantees that a newly finalizing block does not disrupt determining if the previous block had valid stake winners |
Cstakecontenderid_index | |
CTestProofBuilder | |
CTestVoteRecord | |
CVote | |
CVoteItemUpdate | |
CVoteMapComparator | |
CVoteRecord | Vote history |
►NBCLog | |
CLogger | |
CTimer | RAII-style object that outputs timing information to logs |
►Nbenchmark | |
Ndata | |
CArgs | |
CBenchRunner | |
Ncashaddr | |
NChainParamsConstants | Chain params constants for each tracked chain |
NCheckpoints | Block-chain checkpoints are compiled-in sanity checks |
Ncommon | |
►NConsensus | |
CParams | Parameters that influence chain consensus |
Nconvert-raw-to-header | |
►NCuckooCache | High-performance cache primitives |
Cbit_packed_atomic_flags | bit_packed_atomic_flags implements a container for garbage collection flags that is only thread unsafe on calls to setup |
Ccache | cache implements a cache with properties similar to a cuckoo-set |
CKeyOnly | Helper class used when we only want the cache to be a set rather than a map |
NDBKeys | |
Ndbwrapper | |
Ndbwrapper_private | These should be considered an implementation detail of the specific database |
►Nfs | Filesystem operations and types |
Cpath | Path class wrapper to block calls to the fs::path(std::string) implicit constructor and the fs::path::string() method, which have unsafe and unpredictable behavior on Windows (see implementation note in PathToString for details) |
►Nfsbridge | Bridge operations to C stdio |
CFileLock | |
Ngrasberg | |
►NGUIUtil | Utility functions used by the Bitcoin Qt UI |
CClickableLabel | |
CClickableProgressBar | |
CItemDelegate | |
CLabelOutOfFocusEventFilter | Qt event filter that intercepts QEvent::FocusOut events for QLabel objects, and resets their ‘textInteractionFlags’ property to get rid of the visible cursor |
CTableViewLastColumnResizingFixer | Makes a QTableView last column feel as if it was being resized from its left border |
CToolTipToRichTextFilter | Qt event filter that intercepts ToolTipChange events, and replaces the tooltip with a rich text representation if needed |
►Ni2p | |
►Nsam | |
►CSession | I2P SAM session |
CReply | A reply from the SAM proxy |
CConnection | An established connection with another peer |
Ninit | |
►Ninterfaces | |
CBlockAndHeaderTipInfo | Block and header tip information |
CBlockKey | Hash/height pair to help track and identify blocks |
CBlockTip | Block tip (could be a header or not, depends on the subscribed signal) |
►CChain | Interface giving clients (wallet processes, maybe other analysis tools in the future) ability to access to the chain state, receive notifications, estimate fees, and submit transactions |
CNotifications | Chain notifications |
CChainClient | Interface to let node manage chain clients (wallets, or maybe tools for monitoring and analysis in the future) |
CFoundBlock | Helper for findBlock to selectively return pieces of block data |
CHandler | Generic interface for managing an event handler or callback function registered with another interface |
CNode | Top-level interface for a bitcoin node (bitcoind process) |
CWallet | Interface for accessing a wallet |
CWalletAddress | Information about one wallet address |
CWalletBalances | Collection of wallet balances |
CWalletClient | Wallet chain client that in addition to having chain client methods for starting up, shutting down, and registering RPCs, also has additional methods (called by the GUI) to load and create wallets |
CWalletTx | |
CWalletTxOut | Wallet transaction output |
CWalletTxStatus | Updated transaction status |
►Nkernel | |
CBlockManagerOpts | An options struct for BlockManager , more ergonomically referred to as BlockManager::Options due to the using-declaration in BlockManager |
CCCoinsStats | |
CChainstateManagerOpts | An options struct for ChainstateManager , more ergonomically referred to as ChainstateManager::Options due to the using-declaration in ChainstateManager |
CContext | Context struct holding the kernel library's logically global state, and passed to external libbitcoin_kernel functions which need access to this state |
CMemPoolOptions | Options struct containing options for constructing a CTxMemPool |
CNotifications | A base class defining functions for notifying about certain kernel events |
CValidationCacheSizes | |
►Nmemusage | |
Cstl_shared_counter | |
Cstl_tree_node | |
Cunordered_node | |
NMessageWriter | |
NNetMsgType | Bitcoin protocol message types |
►Nnode | |
►CBlockAssembler | Generate a new block, without valid proof-of-work |
COptions | |
CBlockManager | Maintains a tree of blocks (stored in m_block_index ) which is consulted to determine where the most-work tip is |
CCacheSizes | |
CCBlockTemplate | |
CCBlockTemplateEntry | |
CChainstateLoadOptions | |
CImportingNow | |
CKernelNotifications | |
CNodeContext | NodeContext struct containing references to chain state and connection state |
CPruneLockInfo | |
CPSBTAnalysis | Holds the results of AnalyzePSBT (miscellaneous information about a PSBT) |
CPSBTInputAnalysis | Holds an analysis of one input from a PSBT |
CSnapshotMetadata | Metadata describing a serialized version of a UTXO set from which an assumeutxo Chainstate can be constructed |
Nripemd160 | Internal RIPEMD-160 implementation |
NRPCServerSignals | |
►Nseeder | |
CCDnsSeedOpts | |
Nsha1 | Internal SHA-1 implementation |
Nsha256 | Internal SHA-256 implementation |
Nsha256_shani | |
Nsha256d64_avx2 | |
Nsha256d64_shani | |
Nsha256d64_sse41 | |
Nsha512 | Internal SHA-512 implementation |
Nspanparsing | |
►Nstd | Implement std::hash so RCUPtr can be used as a key for maps or sets |
Chash< RCUPtr< T > > | |
Ntest_iguana | |
►Ntinyformat | |
►Ndetail | |
CconvertToInt | |
CconvertToInt< T, true > | |
CFormatArg | |
CFormatListN | |
CFormatListN< 0 > | |
CformatValueAsType | |
CformatValueAsType< T, fmtT, true > | |
►Cis_convertible | |
Cfail | |
Csucceed | |
Cis_wchar | |
Cis_wchar< const wchar_t * > | |
Cis_wchar< const wchar_t[n]> | |
Cis_wchar< wchar_t * > | |
Cis_wchar< wchar_t[n]> | |
Cformat_error | |
CFormatList | List of template arguments format(), held in a type-opaque way |
Ntorv3 | |
NUi | |
►Nutil | |
CError | |
CResult | |
CSettings | Stored settings |
CSettingsSpan | Accessor for list of settings that skips negated values when iterated over |
►Nvariant | |
Coverloaded | |
Nwallet | |
Nwallet_crypto_tests | |
NWalletTool | |