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Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions
ankerl::nanobench Namespace Reference


namespace  detail
namespace  templates


class  Bench
 Main entry point to nanobench's benchmarking facility. More...
class  BigO
struct  Config
class  Result
class  Rng
 An extremely fast random generator. More...


using Clock = std::conditional< std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::is_steady, std::chrono::high_resolution_clock, std::chrono::steady_clock >::type


void render (char const *mustacheTemplate, Bench const &bench, std::ostream &out)
 Renders output from a mustache-like template and benchmark results. More...
void render (std::string const &mustacheTemplate, Bench const &bench, std::ostream &out)
void render (char const *mustacheTemplate, std::vector< Result > const &results, std::ostream &out)
 Same as render(char const* mustacheTemplate, Bench const& bench, std::ostream& out), but for when you only have results available. More...
void render (std::string const &mustacheTemplate, std::vector< Result > const &results, std::ostream &out)
template<typename Arg >
void doNotOptimizeAway (Arg &&arg)
 Makes sure none of the given arguments are optimized away by the compiler. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, BigO const &bigO)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, std::vector< ankerl::nanobench::BigO > const &bigOs)

Typedef Documentation

◆ Clock

using ankerl::nanobench::Clock = typedef std::conditional<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::is_steady, std::chrono::high_resolution_clock, std::chrono::steady_clock>::type

Definition at line 127 of file nanobench.h.

Function Documentation

◆ doNotOptimizeAway()

template<typename Arg >
void ankerl::nanobench::doNotOptimizeAway ( Arg &&  arg)

Makes sure none of the given arguments are optimized away by the compiler.

Template Parameters
ArgType of the argument that shouldn't be optimized away.
argThe input that we mark as being used, even though we don't do anything with it.

Definition at line 1228 of file nanobench.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

std::ostream & ankerl::nanobench::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
BigO const &  bigO 

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

std::ostream & ankerl::nanobench::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
std::vector< ankerl::nanobench::BigO > const &  bigOs 

◆ render() [1/4]

void ankerl::nanobench::render ( char const *  mustacheTemplate,
Bench const &  bench,
std::ostream &  out 

Renders output from a mustache-like template and benchmark results.

The templating facility here is heavily inspired by mustache - logic-less templates. It adds a few more features that are necessary to get all of the captured data out of nanobench. Please read the excellent mustache manual to see what this is all about.

nanobench output has two nested layers, result and measurement. Here is a hierarchy of the allowed tags:

  • {{#result}} Marks the begin of the result layer. Whatever comes after this will be instantiated as often as a benchmark result is available. Within it, you can use these tags:

    • {{title}} See Bench::title().
    • {{name}} Benchmark name, usually directly provided with Bench::run(), but can also be set with Bench::name().
    • {{unit}} Unit, e.g. byte. Defaults to op, see Bench::title().
    • {{batch}} Batch size, see Bench::batch().
    • {{complexityN}} Value used for asymptotic complexity calculation. See Bench::complexityN().
    • {{epochs}} Number of epochs, see Bench::epochs().
    • {{clockResolution}} Accuracy of the clock, i.e. what's the smallest time possible to measure with the clock. For modern systems, this can be around 20 ns. This value is automatically determined by nanobench at the first benchmark that is run, and used as a static variable throughout the application's runtime.
    • {{clockResolutionMultiple}} Configuration multiplier for clockResolution. See Bench::clockResolutionMultiple(). This is the target runtime for each measurement (epoch). That means the more accurate your clock is, the faster will be the benchmark. Basing the measurement's runtime on the clock resolution is the main reason why nanobench is so fast.
    • {{maxEpochTime}} Configuration for a maximum time each measurement (epoch) is allowed to take. Note that at least a single iteration will be performed, even when that takes longer than maxEpochTime. See Bench::maxEpochTime().
    • {{minEpochTime}} Minimum epoch time, usually not set. See Bench::minEpochTime().
    • {{minEpochIterations}} See Bench::minEpochIterations().
    • {{epochIterations}} See Bench::epochIterations().
    • {{warmup}} Number of iterations used before measuring starts. See Bench::warmup().
    • {{relative}} True or false, depending on the setting you have used. See Bench::relative().

    Apart from these tags, it is also possible to use some mathematical operations on the measurement data. The operations are of the form {{command(name)}}. Currently name can be one of elapsed, iterations. If performance counters are available (currently only on current Linux systems), you also have pagefaults, cpucycles, contextswitches, instructions, branchinstructions, and branchmisses. All the measuers (except iterations) are provided for a single iteration (so elapsed is the time a single iteration took). The following tags are available:

    • {{median(<name>)}} Calculate median of a measurement data set, e.g. {{median(elapsed)}}.
    • {{average(<name>)}} Average (mean) calculation.
    • {{medianAbsolutePercentError(<name>)}} Calculates MdAPE, the Median Absolute Percentage Error. The MdAPE is an excellent metric for the variation of measurements. It is more robust to outliers than the Mean absolute percentage error (M-APE).

      \mathrm{MdAPE}(e) = \mathrm{med}\{| \frac{e_i - \mathrm{med}\{e\}}{e_i}| \}

      E.g. for elapsed: First, $ \mathrm{med}\{e\} $ calculates the median by sorting and then taking the middle element of all elapsed measurements. This is used to calculate the absolute percentage error to this median for each measurement, as in $ | \frac{e_i - \mathrm{med}\{e\}}{e_i}| $. All these results are sorted, and the middle value is chosen as the median absolute percent error.

      This measurement is a bit hard to interpret, but it is very robust against outliers. E.g. a value of 5% means that half of the measurements deviate less than 5% from the median, and the other deviate more than 5% from the median.

    • {{sum(<name>)}} Sums of all the measurements. E.g. {{sum(iterations)}} will give you the total number of iterations measured in this benchmark.
    • {{minimum(<name>)}} Minimum of all measurements.
    • {{maximum(<name>)}} Maximum of all measurements.
    • {{sumProduct(<first>, <second>)}} Calculates the sum of the products of corresponding measures:

         \mathrm{sumProduct}(a,b) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}a_i\cdot b_i

      E.g. to calculate total runtime of the benchmark, you multiply iterations with elapsed time for each measurement, and sum these results up: {{sumProduct(iterations, elapsed)}}.
    • {{#measurement}} To access individual measurement results, open the begin tag for measurements.
      • {{elapsed}} Average elapsed wall clock time per iteration, in seconds.
      • {{iterations}} Number of iterations in the measurement. The number of iterations will fluctuate due to some applied randomness, to enhance accuracy.
      • {{pagefaults}} Average number of pagefaults per iteration.
      • {{cpucycles}} Average number of CPU cycles processed per iteration.
      • {{contextswitches}} Average number of context switches per iteration.
      • {{instructions}} Average number of retired instructions per iteration.
      • {{branchinstructions}} Average number of branches executed per iteration.
      • {{branchmisses}} Average number of branches that were missed per iteration.
    • {{/measurement}} Ends the measurement tag.
  • {{/result}} Marks the end of the result layer. This is the end marker for the template part that will be instantiated for each benchmark result.

    For the layer tags result and measurement you additionally can use these special markers:

    • {{#-first}} - Begin marker of a template that will be instantiated only for the first entry in the layer. Use is only allowed between the begin and end marker of the layer allowed. So between {{#result}} and {{/result}}, or between {{#measurement}} and {{/measurement}}. Finish the template with {{/-first}}.
    • {{^-first}} - Begin marker of a template that will be instantiated for each except the first entry in the layer. This, this is basically the inversion of {{#-first}}. Use is only allowed between the begin and end marker of the layer allowed. So between {{#result}} and {{/result}}, or between {{#measurement}} and {{/measurement}}.
    • {{/-first}} - End marker for either {{#-first}} or {{^-first}}.
    • {{#-last}} - Begin marker of a template that will be instantiated only for the last entry in the layer. Use is only allowed between the begin and end marker of the layer allowed. So between {{#result}} and {{/result}}, or between {{#measurement}} and {{/measurement}}. Finish the template with {{/-last}}.
    • {{^-last}} - Begin marker of a template that will be instantiated for each except the last entry in the layer. This, this is basically the inversion of {{#-last}}. Use is only allowed between the begin and end marker of the layer allowed. So between {{#result}} and {{/result}}, or between {{#measurement}} and {{/measurement}}.
    • {{/-last}} - End marker for either {{#-last}} or {{^-last}}.

For an overview of all the possible data you can get out of nanobench, please see the tutorial at :ref:`tutorial-template-json`.

The templates that ship with nanobench are:

* :cpp:func:`templates::csv() <ankerl::nanobench::templates::csv()>`
* :cpp:func:`templates::json() <ankerl::nanobench::templates::json()>`
* :cpp:func:`templates::htmlBoxplot() <ankerl::nanobench::templates::htmlBoxplot()>`
* :cpp:func:`templates::pyperf() <ankerl::nanobench::templates::pyperf()>`
mustacheTemplateThe template.
benchBenchmark, containing all the results.
outOutput for the generated output.

◆ render() [2/4]

void ankerl::nanobench::render ( char const *  mustacheTemplate,
std::vector< Result > const &  results,
std::ostream &  out 

Same as render(char const* mustacheTemplate, Bench const& bench, std::ostream& out), but for when you only have results available.

mustacheTemplateThe template.
resultsAll the results to be used for rendering.
outOutput for the generated output.

◆ render() [3/4]

void ankerl::nanobench::render ( std::string const &  mustacheTemplate,
Bench const &  bench,
std::ostream &  out 

◆ render() [4/4]

void ankerl::nanobench::render ( std::string const &  mustacheTemplate,
std::vector< Result > const &  results,
std::ostream &  out 