Bitcoin ABC 0.30.12
P2P Digital Currency
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avalanche::Processor::Query Struct Reference

Public Attributes

NodeId nodeid
uint64_t round
SteadyMilliseconds timeout
std::vector< CInvinvs
 We declare this as mutable so it can be modified in the multi_index. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 181 of file processor.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ invs

std::vector<CInv> avalanche::Processor::Query::invs

We declare this as mutable so it can be modified in the multi_index.

This is ok because we do not use this field to index in anyway.

/!\ Do not use any mutable field as index.

Definition at line 192 of file processor.h.

◆ nodeid

NodeId avalanche::Processor::Query::nodeid

Definition at line 182 of file processor.h.

◆ round

uint64_t avalanche::Processor::Query::round

Definition at line 183 of file processor.h.

◆ timeout

SteadyMilliseconds avalanche::Processor::Query::timeout

Definition at line 184 of file processor.h.

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