Interface giving clients (wallet processes, maybe other analysis tools in the future) ability to access to the chain state, receive notifications, estimate fees, and submit transactions.
virtual | ~Chain () |
virtual std::optional< int > | getHeight ()=0 |
| Get current chain height, not including genesis block (returns 0 if chain only contains genesis block, std::nullopt if chain does not contain any blocks) More...
virtual BlockHash | getBlockHash (int height)=0 |
| Get block hash. Height must be valid or this function will abort. More...
virtual bool | haveBlockOnDisk (int height)=0 |
| Check that the block is available on disk (i.e. More...
virtual CBlockLocator | getTipLocator ()=0 |
| Get locator for the current chain tip. More...
virtual std::optional< int > | findLocatorFork (const CBlockLocator &locator)=0 |
| Return height of the highest block on chain in common with the locator, which will either be the original block used to create the locator, or one of its ancestors. More...
virtual bool | findBlock (const BlockHash &hash, const FoundBlock &block={})=0 |
| Return whether node has the block and optionally return block metadata or contents. More...
virtual bool | findFirstBlockWithTimeAndHeight (int64_t min_time, int min_height, const FoundBlock &block={})=0 |
| Find first block in the chain with timestamp >= the given time and height >= than the given height, return false if there is no block with a high enough timestamp and height. More...
virtual bool | findAncestorByHeight (const BlockHash &block_hash, int ancestor_height, const FoundBlock &ancestor_out={})=0 |
| Find ancestor of block at specified height and optionally return ancestor information. More...
virtual bool | findAncestorByHash (const BlockHash &block_hash, const BlockHash &ancestor_hash, const FoundBlock &ancestor_out={})=0 |
| Return whether block descends from a specified ancestor, and optionally return ancestor information. More...
virtual bool | findCommonAncestor (const BlockHash &block_hash1, const BlockHash &block_hash2, const FoundBlock &ancestor_out={}, const FoundBlock &block1_out={}, const FoundBlock &block2_out={})=0 |
| Find most recent common ancestor between two blocks and optionally return block information. More...
virtual void | findCoins (std::map< COutPoint, Coin > &coins)=0 |
| Look up unspent output information. More...
virtual double | guessVerificationProgress (const BlockHash &block_hash)=0 |
| Estimate fraction of total transactions verified if blocks up to the specified block hash are verified. More...
virtual bool | hasBlocks (const BlockHash &block_hash, int min_height=0, std::optional< int > max_height={})=0 |
| Return true if data is available for all blocks in the specified range of blocks. More...
virtual bool | broadcastTransaction (const Config &config, const CTransactionRef &tx, const Amount &max_tx_fee, bool relay, std::string &err_string)=0 |
| Transaction is added to memory pool, if the transaction fee is below the amount specified by max_tx_fee, and broadcast to all peers if relay is set to true. More...
virtual CFeeRate | estimateFee () const =0 |
| Estimate fee. More...
virtual CFeeRate | relayMinFee ()=0 |
| Relay current minimum fee (from -minrelaytxfee settings). More...
virtual CFeeRate | relayDustFee ()=0 |
| Relay dust fee setting (-dustrelayfee), reflecting lowest rate it's economical to spend. More...
virtual bool | havePruned ()=0 |
| Check if any block has been pruned. More...
virtual bool | isReadyToBroadcast ()=0 |
| Check if the node is ready to broadcast transactions. More...
virtual bool | isInitialBlockDownload ()=0 |
| Check if in IBD. More...
virtual bool | shutdownRequested ()=0 |
| Check if shutdown requested. More...
virtual void | initMessage (const std::string &message)=0 |
| Send init message. More...
virtual void | initWarning (const bilingual_str &message)=0 |
| Send init warning. More...
virtual void | initError (const bilingual_str &message)=0 |
| Send init error. More...
virtual void | showProgress (const std::string &title, int progress, bool resume_possible)=0 |
| Send progress indicator. More...
virtual std::unique_ptr< Handler > | handleNotifications (std::shared_ptr< Notifications > notifications)=0 |
| Register handler for notifications. More...
virtual void | waitForNotificationsIfTipChanged (const BlockHash &old_tip)=0 |
| Wait for pending notifications to be processed unless block hash points to the current chain tip. More...
virtual std::unique_ptr< Handler > | handleRpc (const CRPCCommand &command)=0 |
| Register handler for RPC. More...
virtual bool | rpcEnableDeprecated (const std::string &method)=0 |
| Check if deprecated RPC is enabled. More...
virtual void | rpcRunLater (const std::string &name, std::function< void()> fn, int64_t seconds)=0 |
| Run function after given number of seconds. More...
virtual int | rpcSerializationFlags ()=0 |
| Current RPC serialization flags. More...
virtual util::SettingsValue | getSetting (const std::string &arg)=0 |
| Get settings value. More...
virtual std::vector< util::SettingsValue > | getSettingsList (const std::string &arg)=0 |
| Get list of settings values. More...
virtual util::SettingsValue | getRwSetting (const std::string &name)=0 |
| Return <datadir>/settings.json setting value. More...
virtual bool | updateRwSetting (const std::string &name, const util::SettingsValue &value, bool write=true)=0 |
| Write a setting to <datadir>/settings.json. More...
virtual void | requestMempoolTransactions (Notifications ¬ifications)=0 |
| Synchronously send transactionAddedToMempool notifications about all current mempool transactions to the specified handler and return after the last one is sent. More...
virtual bool | hasAssumedValidChain ()=0 |
| Return true if an assumed-valid chain is in use. More...
virtual node::NodeContext * | context () |
| Get internal node context. More...
virtual const CChainParams & | params () const =0 |
| This Chain's parameters. More...
Interface giving clients (wallet processes, maybe other analysis tools in the future) ability to access to the chain state, receive notifications, estimate fees, and submit transactions.
TODO: Current chain methods are too low level, exposing too much of the internal workings of the bitcoin node, and not being very convenient to use. Chain methods should be cleaned up and simplified over time. Examples:
- The initMessages() and showProgress() methods which the wallet uses to send notifications to the GUI should go away when GUI and wallet can directly communicate with each other without going through the node (
- The handleRpc, registerRpcs, rpcEnableDeprecated methods and other RPC methods can go away if wallets listen for HTTP requests on their own ports instead of registering to handle requests on the node HTTP port.
- Move fee estimation queries to an asynchronous interface and let the wallet cache it, fee estimation being driven by node mempool, wallet should be the consumer.
and similar methods can go away if rescan logic moves out of the wallet, and the wallet just requests scans from the node (
Definition at line 129 of file chain.h.