Bitcoin ABC 0.30.7
P2P Digital Currency
Public Attributes | List of all members
TxPool::PoolTx Struct Reference

#include <txpool.h>

Public Attributes

CTransactionRef tx
NodeId fromPeer
NodeSeconds nTimeExpire
size_t list_pos

Detailed Description

Definition at line 112 of file txpool.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ fromPeer

NodeId TxPool::PoolTx::fromPeer

Definition at line 114 of file txpool.h.

◆ list_pos

size_t TxPool::PoolTx::list_pos

Definition at line 116 of file txpool.h.

◆ nTimeExpire

NodeSeconds TxPool::PoolTx::nTimeExpire

Definition at line 115 of file txpool.h.

◆ tx

CTransactionRef TxPool::PoolTx::tx

Definition at line 113 of file txpool.h.

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