Bitcoin ABC 0.15.0 Release Notes

Bitcoin ABC version 0.15.0 is now available from:

This release includes the following features and fixes:

Low-level RPC changes (D500)

Reserve block space for high priority transactions (D485)

By default reserve 5% of the max generated block size parameter to hiprio transactions. Hence a bitcoind instance running with an unmodified configuration will reserve 100K for high priority transactions. The parameter name used for this configuration blockprioritypercentage. While introducing this new parameter we deprecated blockprioritysize(it was used to specify the amount of high prio reserved area in byte).

A transaction is considered high priority if its priority is higher than this threshold: COIN * 144 / 250, where COIN is the value of a one bitcoin UTXO expressed in satoshis. Thus a transaction who as an input of 1 bitcoin and are 144 blocks old and whose size is 250 bytes is considered the priority cut-off.